Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thing # 14

Okay, I'm definitely going to spend more time on this one later. I had a blast playing around. I did a wordle using my son's name and some of his personal characteristics. What a great idea for a project when kids are studying characters... puttting words that really describe the character more than once so they're bigger. I love this! I still haven't figured out quite how to save my work and show you, but I'm going to figure that out. Just you wait.
I also played with ToonDoo...another fun one. I made a single frame cartoon of me flying through the air saying hooray for me and tagged it with 23things. Imagine!! Really had a lot of fun with this one. I'll be doing lots more in this playground!

1 comment:

  1. I think on Wordle you have to embed. I haven't figured out how to save the image as a pic yet either. I usually get a screen shot of it with some software that I have.
